6 IUH’s ABET accredited training programs

On 30/08/2022, ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc) sent a congratulations letter to the school. Accordingly, IUH has 06 programs meeting ABET standards, including:

– Biotechnology (ANSAC)

– Information Technology (CAC)

– Information Systems (CAC)

– Food Technology (ETAC)

– Mechanical Engineering Technology (ETAC)

– Machine Building Engineering Technology (ETAC)

Six IUH training programs meet ABET standards

The time of accreditation of training programs according to ABET standards takes place from 1/11/2021 – 05/11/2021 online with interview sessions, working with stakeholders, checking documents, visiting facilities. This was the time of complicated COVID-19 epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City. However, with careful preparation, and the efforts of the school team, all 06 programs achieved excellent results.

The opening ceremony of ABET accreditation took place on 01/11/2021

As soon as the inspection results are received, Dr. Phan Hồng Hải expressed his deep thanks to ABET for supporting the school during the accreditation process. The results of this accreditation will help training programs find out the strengths and weaknesses of the program to continue to improve in the future. “This is also the motivation for the school to continue standardizing the training program, moving towards accrediting educational institutions according to international standards” – Mr. Hai also added.

Dr. Phan Hồng Hải – IUH Rector

According to Dr. Nguyễn Huy Phúc – Head of Testing and Quality Assurance Department: “The registration for assessment and accreditation by prestigious organizations in the region and the world contributes to improving the position of training in the region and the world, shortening the training gap between domestic universities and prestigious universities in the world.”

Dr. Nguyễn Huy Phúc – Head of Testing and Quality Assurance Department

Up to now, IUH is the first university in the country with the largest number of ABET accredited programs. After 5 years from the commencement of the construction of the EIA in accordance with ABET standards (2016-2021), the University has standardized the entire assessment system, the internal quality assurance process along with the close combination of the school-level quality assurance system, strengthening the highly qualified teaching staff,  invest in modern facilities for teaching and learning as well as strictly and fully implement ABET’s registration and accreditation processes and procedures. The programs have carried out the process of self-assessment, internal assessment (Mock ABET visit), submission of review documents. Despite difficult and challenging periods, thanks to the close guidance of the school’s leaders, the determined efforts of the staff, 6 E-clubs have fully met the requirements of ABET to achieve excellent results.

Some pictures during the process of preparation and ABET evaluation:

Polling workshop on training objectives and output standards of information technology industry according to ABET standards in 2016

Industry 4.0 factory was inaugurated and put into use in 2019 to meet the requirements of teaching equipment according to ABET standards

Mock ABET internal review visit in March 2020

Faculties working together with ABET and BUILD-IT on E-commerce accreditation according to ABET standards in 06/2020

ABET online audit review November 2021

ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) is an accreditation organization for engineering and technology training programs established in 1932 by American industry associations. This is a reputable accreditation organization in the international community, recognized by the University Accreditation Commission (CHEA), including the Technical Accreditation Commission (EAC), the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC), the Computer Accreditation Commission (CAC) and the Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC). Programs accredited by ABET are those in engineering, technology, computing, applied science, corresponding to the above committees. A program may have to be accredited by 2 different committees, if the program name contains words that imply 2 different fields.

ABET’s accreditation criteria are general and specific to each program. Specifically, there are 9 criteria: (1) Students, (2) Educational objectives of the program, (3) Output standards, (4) Continuous improvement, (5) Programs, (6), Lecturers, (7) Facilities, (8) Support, (9) Criteria of each program.

ABET’s accreditation process for a program consists of the following basic steps: ABET consultants review the self-assessment documentation of the institution whose program is accredited; ABET specialists conduct a test visit at the training institution, review all documents, subjects, laboratories, meet with managers, lecturers, students, alumni, businesses … A team of ABET specialists came to the training institution to officially accredit the program; ABET accreditation certificates will be maintained in subsequent years under ABET supervision, if the institution wishes.
